Monday, October 18, 2010

Three Pieces

What I did to compare 3 pieces from the MIA was look at the different sculptures in different regions and compare them to one another. I compared texture and size.

The sculpture from Nigeria is called Yoruba Pair of Twin Figures. This was a little sculpture and was made from wood. I'm guessing it was meant to be portable for whom it belonged to. One was male and one was female. The breast structure was very unrealistic but very focused. The piece called "Untitled" is a steel figure on the wall with a light towards the bottom of it. It almost looks like a spirit lighting the way. The third piece I looked at was the Jade Mountain Illustrating with the poem on the back. This piece was made of Light Green Jade and looked very smooth.

I felt these three pieces had a connection in terms of a form of materials in what time period. Obviously all of these pieces meant something to someone but if we were to look at different times, it could have related to someone in some way. If I were to place these next to one another I'd say The Pair Of Twin Figures, Untitled, then , Jade Mountain. That way you can see over time how people added detail and what materials were used.

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